Our Services


Taking into the consideration of all aspects and also to make this debt recovery process easier and transparent, we have developed a system which is 100% accurate, efficient, time saving and quite advantageous for all parties. We offer this system under the brand name "HELA-X" which is exclusive and specialized in the area of Financial Management


E - Learning

There's no limit on what's possible. We are an eLearning development vendor who specializes in custom training experiences and unique eLearning solutions. We design the learning products to be highly tailored, informative, engaging, memorable and ensure high knowledge transfer and outstanding training outcomes. Tell us about your training goals, and we’ll come up with a solution that will get you there.

Sample work

Debt Recovery Solutions

Operated by a senior team of professionals with years of fine-tuned skills and hands-on experience, our debt recovery services span full spectrum of the recovery life cycle from early monitoring to hardcode cases. They are designed to reduce the time your team spends on delinquent accounts and enhance your productivity. By utilizing our highly trained staff, you’ll be able to allocate resources on other important business matters. Our highly-efficient network of associates placed strategically across the island monitor every account closely and adopts a professional and ethical approach to the process of recovery.

Contact Center Services

With our superior contact center services, customers are abele to scale their business operations, reduce costs and enhance their focus on their core business. Our Experienced senior resources will proactively hire, train and operate industry focused and qualified staff to deliver each scope accurately. Our customer stay ahead with our quick, assertive and service delivery.

Software Development

From A-Z, we develop the computer software you need to make your life much easier and streamlined. We create custom and simply software for any industry ensuring that your requirement is fulfilled in the most effective way, not only that we strive to make easy to use software that anyone who is not technically inclined can use it with ease and minimal training, ensuring that your business’s efficiency also increases.

App Development

We develop apps for many mobile platforms and we make sure it’s the best at what it needs to do. At a time smart devices are in everyone’s hand if you want your customer base to use your services as their first choice then you need to have an app even for the simplest task studies have shown people prefer using a direct app rather than open a browser and searching for it. This is why an app is a natural choice if you want real exposure.




Debt Recovery Solutions

Debt Recovery Solutions

Software & App Development

Software Development

E - Learning


Contact Center Services

Contact Center Services